Inspired by the Armor of God, this design is a reimagining of the Armor All logo based on Ephesians 6:10-18.
These are some of the things that I’ve created through artistic or imaginative effort.
Inspired by the "Wordless Book", this design is a mashup of the Microsoft Word icon and Moody's version of Spurgeon's "book".
The Melodies from Heaven
Inspired by Kirk Franklin & The Family's 1995 song "Melodies from Heaven", and the 1999 science fiction action film, "The Matrix".
Always Do Right
Inspired by MLK's quote and Spike Lee's 1989 classic, this design reminds us that the time is always right to do the right thing.
Inspired by the Supreme brand logo, this design reminds us of Mark 9:35 and that to be Supreme, you must first be a Servant.
Jesus Saves
Inspired by the iconic Run DMC logo, this design boldly declares the simple yet powerful truth that Jesus saves.
Inspired by the iconic Adidas logo, this design reminds us that "nothing is impossible" because He has arisen.
Worship Forever
Inspired by John P. Kee's "I Do Worship" and the "Wakanda Forever" wordmark, this design reminds us to forever worship our worthy God.
Built Father Tough
Inspired by my Pops and his love of Ford Mustangs. He taught me that it's not easy being a father, nor should it be.