Inspired by John P. Kee's "I Do Worship" and the "Wakanda Forever" wordmark, this design reminds us to forever worship our worthy God.
Optimized some tables and views / Minor UI tweaks / New logos / New font
Savory Spareribs
Here is my recipe for Savory Spareribs.
Savory Rib Rub
Here is my recipe for a Savory Rib Rub.
Rebranded platform to / Migrated to Bootstrap 5.2.0 / Updated codebase to reflect rebrand / Optimized some tables and views / Launched
Built Father Tough
Inspired by my Pops and his love of Ford Mustangs. He taught me that it's not easy being a father, nor should it be.
Black To The Future
Inspired by the 1985 sci-fi classic and Afrofuturism, this design is about taking black history to the future.
Inspired by the WeWork wordmark, this design reminds us of 1 Corinthians 10:31 and that we worship while we work.
Be Ready
Inspired by a Rev. James Cleveland classic, this design reminds us that we want to be ready when He comes.